Thursday, October 24, 2013

Amid Rising Discord Over Indian Images, F.S.U. Has Harmony

Amid Rising Discord Over Indian Images, F.S.U. Has Harmony

A Wave of Strange Creatures

A Wave of Strange Creatures


Theremin is one of the first electronic instruments that controlled without physical contact by the performer. The controlling section has two metal antennas; one of the antennas is to control the pitch and the second antenna is to control the volume. To me it is very interesting to know about an instrument that works by waving your hand. I never heard about this instrument till I read the article.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bid to Move Atlanta Statue Opens Window to Past

Bid to Move Atlanta Statue Opens Window to Past

I do not approve the idea that if the statue moved it will change the history. The statue will be better in a park than being in front of the capital building. If the statue moves to a park many people can watch the statue and have a good time in the park instant of having a trip to the capital building to see the statue.